FROM HOLMES TO SHERLOCK By Mattias Bostrom The Mysterious Press 501 pgs When one of our writing colleagues and good friends, Paul Bishop, first reviewed this book, he gave it glowing marks calling it a remarkable achievement in regards to all things Sherlock Holmes. With that kind of applause, we wasted no time in picking up a copy for ourselves. It is everything Bishop said it was plus so much more. What Swedish author Mattias Bostrom has done has given us to complete, and exhaustive, biographies for both the writer, Arthur Conan Doyle, and his amazing creation, Consulting Detective Sherlock Holmes. Everything and anything you would ever want to know about both is in this 500 page tome. From the earliest dreams of a young Scottish doctor wanting to be a writer to his first published pieces in various British periodicals. It’s all here. Then the ground swelling in reader popularity that would people the character onto the stage to be portrayed by dozens...