An Original Screenplay

By Edgar Wallace
Edited by Stephen Jones

Electric Dreamhouse

244 pgs


This is a wonderful coffee-table tyle book showcasing a very early script from which the classic 1933 film was produced. Originally hired at RKO to help with the script, noted British mystery writer Edgar Wallace was eager to expand his ever-growing audience. Sadly, after writing this one and only treatment, based on his conversations with Cooper, he died suddenly from pneumonia. Saddened by his Wallace, and aware the actual story would undergo many more revisions before it was finalized for shooting, Merian C. Cooper promised to keep Wallace’s name on the final credits. He kept his word, though that never stopped the controversy that ensued over the years as to who actually created the giant gorilla and whose story was it?

It reminds us of the constant debate with Marvel comic fans who still argue as to who was responsible for the Marvel Universe, writer Stan Lee or artist Jack Kirby? Solid arguments have been raised over the years for both camps. But in the end, the facts prove both were needed and without either, comic history would have taken a different turn. The same can be applied to who is the father of King Kong. Author Jones wants his readers to believe that’s Edgar Wallace. Yet in his own book he prints the letters Wallace wrote to his wife after arriving at RKO. In those letters, Wallace gives Cooper the credit for the idea, the concept, whatever you want to call it. Wallace states that his own contributions to that date had been minor.

The joy of this tome, and we still recommend it highly to all cinema buffs, is that we do get to read Wallace’s first draft and see for ourselves how much did change before the film was completed. As well as note those elements that remained. Add that Jones also lavishes dozens of pre-production sketches and movie posters from around the world and this book is a treasure. If like us, you love this amazing movie, get your hands on this wonderful book and relive the fun.


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